
With its expertise in the development of lightweight structures, the IAMT Group also carries out fundamental research investigations and component development work involving fibre-reinforced plastics and hybrid structures on behalf of clients both independently and in conjunction with research institutions.
Basically, the automotive industry is being compelled by increasingly stringent requirements imposed by the market and legislation to achieve further weight savings through ongoing innovation. Fibre-reinforced plastics of various structures such as long-fibre or short-fibre reinforced thermoplastic and thermoset resins, nanotechnologies and also hybrid constructions are likely to play an ever more important role in this regard. Already today there is a wide range of elements such as transmission cross beams, pin-ended supports or oil pans being manufactured from these materials.
Plastics in the chassis
- Feasibility studies
- Analyses of material and production concepts
- Robust component engineering and design
- Interface analyses
- Strength and durability investigations